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Jesus, I’m Yours: A 5 Day Series

Hello all!

As I was thinking of what I could do for my blog, I decided I would try a 5 Day Devotional series called Jesus, I’m Yours. 

Each day will be a devotional helping to bring you closer to God and to help you understand why you are God’s, and what it means to be His.

There is always something that God has for us, always something new to look forward to.

Each day is a new beginning to start over. If we really messed up the day before or just didn’t take as much time as needed in the word, each morning is a fresh start. Let’s take time to give each day to God the way He deserves.

 I hope this 5 Day Series will encourage and uplift you to understand God’s love. And maybe there will be another series shortly after this one! Who knows! Surprises are always fun.

Here are the links for all of the days:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5
