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Where Does Your Lighthouse Shine? || Day 5

Lighting Your Life

What would it be like if all of a sudden the lights in your city went out. You had no way of navigating through the city, your street or even your house. How would this affect your life?

What happens when you turn the lights out in a room full of kids? They scream, start acting goofy, start getting up and trying to walk around. They become uncomfortable. 

Being in the dark when you don’t want to be is uncomfortable.
I hate storms and living out in the country, it’s almost inevitable that our electricity will go out when it storms really bad…even if it’s not that bad, some times our electricity still goes out. 

In those moments my mind becomes panicked…my heart starts to race, my hands become clammy and I’m frantic to find the lighter so I can at least light one candle. 

After a while of being in the dark, my nerves begin to calm, but my mind is still in a flurry. The only thing that will calm my mind is lighting a candle. When one candle is light I am able to see through the darkness. I’m able to navigate my way to flashlights and more candles…things that will bring more light into my life.

What would happen if we as christians decided to let our light shine and be the light that people in darkness need? 

How would that change their circumstances? 

How would that open their eyes to see where they are? 

I imagine that’s how people in the world feel when they finally experience God’s presence. 
His light. 

They have been so used to the darkness, trying to navigate their life blind that when they do finally get a glimpse of light, they desperately want more. They see what their life has been missing. They see what they’ve been living without, something that has changed everything. 

How can we be stingy with the light that we have in our life. Why would we want to be? If we had an opportunity to spread God’s love to the whole world and cover the earth with light, wouldn’t we want to jump on that opportunity to do it? 

Sure, there’s sacrifices we have to make in living for Jesus. There’s things we chose to separate ourselves from…but it’s not even comparable to the life I get to live when Jesus comes back. The spirit living inside of me needs to be shared with the world.

Luke 11:34-36 (NLT) 
34. "Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness." 
35. "Make sure the light you think you have is not actually darkness."
36. "If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light."

God’s light, His spirit, the thing that guides us and protects us, who lifts us up when we are down, who can comfort us in our times of distress, anxiety and stress….that light needs to be spread around. The only way that can happen is if we allow ourselves to be the light and tell those around us about God. 

I grew up in a church where we did outreach, we knocked on doors, asked people if they needed us to pray for anything in their life or if they personally needed prayer. I was sooo timid…i’m not the type of person that likes to go up to random people and start talking to them. And the fact that we were talking about faith made me more scared. 

But recently my mom has told me about an evangelist who has been coming to their church to help with outreach….he puts it in a new perspective…anyways, there is a lady that the evangelist had talked to, she said she's christian and she's been looking for a church to attend....she was invited to my parents church and has been going there for a couple months now. Seeing how much she lights up when people being to talk about Jesus...or when my dad starts to preach, or when the praise team starts singing. It gives me a whole new outlook on what it means to be a light. When someone who it truly hurting and desperate for something more in their life, finds what they need in Jesus…it’s the greatest gift. 

Let’s be the light that people need. Let’s not be afraid to talk to those around us and simply ask if they need prayer for anything. Even if they say “no”, the seed is planted…They know that someone is wanting to help them. Even if that’s the only thing you get to say to them, let them know that there is something more. 

I challenge you to write all of the scriptures down from this devotional series and keep them with you…let the words remind you of the light that God has placed your life….let them remind you of the light shining from your lighthouse that offers hope and direction to others!

Matthew 5:14-15 (NLT)  “You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” 
