Where Does Your Lighthouse Shine? || Day 4
Lighting Your Direction
There have been countless times in my life where I desperately needed direction but I wasn’t sure where to start in finding it.
Looking back I tell myself I should have just prayed more, or sought council more…or done numerous things more. Maybe I wouldn’t have made all of the mistakes I did if I just would have done something more.
In all of these thoughts, God catches my trails and whispers “You wouldn’t be who you are today. You wouldn’t be where you are today. You wouldn’t have what you have today.”
In my woes of life, I’ve had those words ring in my hears and I begin to be thankful for the life I have lived. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the trials I’ve been through. I wouldn't be married to my husband if I would have chosen a different path for my life, and not followed the direction that was light for me.
Our direction in life can leads us many ways. The light that is shown in our life can help guide us a certain way. Wherever your light is shining is where you will go. Is that direction towards God or towards the world? Is that towards right or wrong?
Proverbs 4:18-19 (NLT) “The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over.”
God has a plan for all of our lives, it’s no surprise to Him when we chose what we do. There is always a way for us to go in the direction of Jesus, wether we want to believe this or not. There are people that God has placed in our lives that will help guide us in the straight and narrow path towards Him. We ultimately have the choice to follow the light or not. We will never be forced to live for Jesus, but we have that choice if we chose.
Has there been someone in your life that has impacted your spiritually? Helped you draw closer to the Lord? Help you understand the Bible and how to study the word of God more? They were and are there to help light your direction.
There should always be someone in our life that challenges us and pushes us to be a better person in Christ.
My parents, old youth pastors, my current pastor, my siblings, my in-laws, my husband and even my son. All of these people remind me daily of the blessings God has given me. They remind me that I need to be the best I can be and to continue to better myself in Christ. They continue to push me and keep me accountable of my life...making sure I am doing what needs to be done in my walk with God.
Life would be much harder for me if these people were not in my life helping, encouraging and pushing me to live a life that is acceptable to Jesus. Even looking at their lives, seeing how they live, how they worship and how they act...sparks a fire in my spirit to let that light shine in my life as well.
Remember that your light will help others see the way to Christ, let that be an encouragement to live for Him everyday, and be in His will everyday.
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