Where Does Your Lighthouse Shine || Day 3
Lighting Your Surroundings
We all understand the concept of a lighthouse, what it does and how it does it. It's simple.
It illuminates its surroundings so others are aware of whats around them so they are able to navigate to shore.
In a way that's how our lives are.
When we have Christ living in us, we are His light. The light inside of us is meant to be shown for the world to see. This light not only helps us see where we are to go but it can be a guiding light to those in the darkness of this world. Those who can't find a way out of their situation, those who can't quite seem to understand whats going on around them. We can be the light that they need.
Lighting our surroundings with he light of Jesus, in a way, gives us an advantage. We all like to have an advantage, right? In our troubles we know where to turn, we know how fast or slow we can go. That's because we have such a bright light allowing us to see.
What if no one allowed their light to shine for the lost and hurting. What would happen? How would they know there is this amazing gift called salvation that is waiting for them? How would they know where to go in their time of need, how to pray or what to even say to God?
Obviously God is able to do amazing things. And just like God did to Saul, if God needed to shine his light on us himself, he would. But he has called us to be the ones who go out and share our light with the world. The light that has given us such joy and peace. Light that has allowed us to endure to the end because we know where our eternity lies.
Ephesians 5:8-9 (NLT) "For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this is within you produces only what is good and right and true."
These two verse are one of my favorites. We were once full of darkness but because of the salvation that Jesus offers us, we can become full of light. When we are saved, we become full of light. But this light in us ONLY produces what is good, right and true.
It doesn't produce evil or wrong doing. That's the amazing thing about this light that we have inside of us, and the light that is available to those who don't have it. It will be what we need when we aren't sure where to go.
There have been times in my life where I needed direction in a decision...I sought council from mentors and my parents (also my pastor), they were and still are the light in my life that I needed to help me in that decision. They allowed their light to help me find the answer I needed.
That's what our light is all about. It's there so we can share it with people. Show people there is a way out of hard situations.
I challenge you today, let your light help others in their time of need.
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