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Where Does Your Lighthouse Shine? || Day 2

The Foundation of Your Lighthouse

A foundation is the lowest, load-bearing part of a also is an underlying principle or basis for something.

Foundations when building skyscrapers are extremely important. When I think of remarkable buildings similarly the Twin Towers that were standing tall in New York City, and the Willis Tower in Chicago, IL.
(Fun fact...the Sears Tower was changed to Willis Tower when the insurance broker Willis Group Holdings leased the naming rights.)

I did a little digging to get information about the Willis Tower and the Twin Towers to see how deep the foundation needed to be to build them. The foundation of the Willis Tower for it's 110 story structure is 100 feet deep. The Twin Towers were 104 stories and had a foundation of 70 feet deep. 

We all know the importance of foundations for buildings...the same can be said for the foundation of a lighthouse. 

But I ask you this, what is the foundation of YOUR lighthouse standing on? How DEEP is the foundation of your lighthouse?

Can you honestly say that you have a rooted, thick and substantial foundation? 

Thinking of the duty that a lighthouse has, it needs to be built on a sturdy high point. What good would it do if it wasn't in the right place? What good would a lighthouse do if it didn't have the foundation it needed?

The lighthouse would be worthless when storms come, and those are inevitable. 

Just like on the sea, storms come in our life. We get waves thrown at us that try to knock us down. We have thunder booming in our ears that try to make us deaf to the voice of God. We have lightening that blazes in our eyes to try and blind us from seeing the work of God. However, when we have built our lives on the foundation of Jesus, we know it will not be moved. Making it deeply rooted in the things of God will allow our foundation to be eternal. Not something that will wither away. 

God's foundation isn't similar to sand...melting away at any sign of's as a mountain...something that people look UP to, something that can't be moved even by the strongest winds and rain. 

Being a light for Jesus and allowing ourselves to shine the light for others to see, it is imperative that we are built on a solid foundation that will not be moved. 

John 1:4-5 "The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."

In all things considered, when life brings us storms and the enemy is trying his hardest to knock us down, remember what your foundation is. Our foundation is the Lord. The one who has brought life and light to our dreary souls. The one who has said that the enemy has no power over us if we don't allow it. 

I challenge you today to think about what your foundation is in your life and for your lighthouse. Is it the mountain that is sustained by Jesus...or merely sand that will melt away far too quickly?
Remember the foundation of the Lord and how strong it is. Set your lighthouse high up on that strong foundation, letting the whole world see your light and what it represents. 

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