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When God Answered a BIG Prayer || My Healing

Around the end of the year of 2013 I started getting this horrible stomach pain in my upper abdomen. I assumed I was just coming down with the flu. Thankfully I was homeschooled in high school so I was able to do work and lay in bed at the same time. But this pain kept getting worse. I went through it for a number of weeks, went to my doctor and then to the hospital to get blood drawn...and the results came back as just fine. So my mom and I had no idea what was causing this unearthing pain.

It was BAD.  I was doubled over trying to walk, go to work, I constantly kept medicine in my system to try and help the pain. I was finally prescribed and antacid, and that kind of worked. It atleast calmed my stomach down some. That's when my doctor told me it was probably a form of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), if the antacids helped, then I had to keep taking them, once a day or as needed. That was my life, I had this medicine bottle around with me everywhere I went. This pain continued through out the rest of the year and then into 2014. It came and it went. It was bad and then it wasn't.

Once I graduated high school and started Indiana Bible College the pain came back. It was worse this time. I could barley walk, stand up, talk, move. Every thing hurt. I still had the same medicine but a higher dose now. I was SICK OF IT. Being in pain and having to worry about what I ate and if I would be in pain after.

Then revival came around. I forget who it was with, maybe Bro, T.L. Smith from Louisiana. I can't remember. I still went to church, in pain, with a pillow strapped to my stomach because the pressure helped somehow. On the last night of revival this lovely prayer warrior, Sis. Shouse, came up to me out of the blue...(to me out of the blue..but we all know why she was lead to come up to was Jesus), and asked if I needed prayer for anything. I then began to cry and tell her what had been going on with my body. In her sweet vice she asked, "Do you believe that God can do it." I replied "Of course I believe he can, I just NEED him to do it TONIGHT!"

She placed her hand on my stomach right where the pain was...what happened next had never happened to me before. I personally think God did this to give me a physical sign of my healing. As Sis. Shouse began to pray, the area INSIDE of my stomach where the pain was coming from started to feel hot. Hot like someone put a heating pad on my stomach...a soothing heat. MAN was that WEIRD. I had never that happen before.

After she prayed for me a felt...slightly....better. The pain was still there, but not as bad as when church started. That was Sunday. Monday rolls around and I see the medicine on my night stand as I'm about to leave to go to class. I feel in my soul that I need to tuck it in the drawer and not touch it. So that's what I did. I didn't look back, I didn't think about that medicine, I didn't wonder what was going to happen if I left it at home. I walked away knowing God was going to do something.

The rest of the week that's where the medicine stayed, and my symptoms began to slowly melt away. Each morning I woke up feeling more and more like myself. I had been in pain for so long that I honestly couldn't even remember what it was like to not be in pain. It was the best feeling ever. Knowing that God healed me of this issue and that I didn't need to worry about it anymore.

Fast forward......

Now, I have had some flare ups with the same pain. But the consistent, prolonged pain is gone. the doubling over in pain is gone, the laying in bed all day pain is gone. THAT is my healing. The pain that kept me from being me and doing what I needed to do is gone. That's the pain I needed healing from. I believe I am still healed. That's the big prayer God answered for me. The pain that was keeping me from doing what I needed to do. Gone.

It happened to me and I KNOW it can happen to you. I hope this is an encouraging word for those who are suffering from pain or hurt and haven't found a solution yet. It's Jesus. Ask him, and be sincere, wanting nothing more than a healing. And it will happen.
I had to wait, over a year for my healing. But it came and that's what I rejoice about.
