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How to be a Missionary in Your Home Town

Growing up I was always surrounded by a church and church family that believed in supporting missionaries and pushing them to spread the gospel of Jesus. I had wondered growing up what it would be like to actually go over seas to a foreign land and do what these missionaries do. 

Years ago my aunt and uncle, Mark and Glenda, and my cousin Candace got the call to be missonaries to Helsinki, Finland and they've been there for....6+ years. 

My great Aunt Tiny (not really her name, we just call her that because she's...tiny) and Uncle Roger are missionaries to Indonesia and have been for as long as I can remember. 

Bro. Roger and Sis. Becky Buckland, I've known them my whole life since they went to my home church and were around when I was born, they are Regional Directors over the Pacific Region (about 18 countries). 

AND MY LITTLE SISTER....yes, my little sister has a call to be missionary to Brazil. She's not quite there yet, she just started college...but I know she's going to do amazing things when she does get there!

There so many more people I can name...but growing up around people who are missionaries can put a fire in your soul. But I'm not specifically called to be a missionary over seas. How can I do work like my family? Be a missionary in your home town! Where ever you are, you have the opportunity to do an amazing work right where you are. You don't have to be called to be a missionary overseas to be a missionary and spread the gospel.

Here's 3 thing you can do to be a missionary in your home town:

1. Go to community meetings

You'd be surprised how many parties or gatherings your community holds. Wether it's at your kids school, your own school, your work place or your neighborhood...what and where ever it is, go and show your face. Let people get to know who YOU are. 

2. Go to local, family owned businesses

There's probably a lot more family owned businesses than you think! I live out in the sticks...but one of the little towns near me has a cute little quaint "downtown" area and they have a lot of family or individually owned boutiques and restaurants. It wouldn't be hard for me to walk around and go into these shops and get to know the owners. The awesome thing about going Bowling Green (the little town) is that our church is only 6 miles from town. Super close. 
(this is a challenge for myself!!)

I personally believe that its KEY to establish relationships with people, carrying on conversations about them and their business/family before jumping full force into witnessing. But that's just my personal approach. I like to take my time....I'm also not an outgoing person with new people, so that's not my personality. 

3. Say "Hi" to just about everyone and smile as you pass

Yeah, basic right? But just a simple "hi, how are you?" to the cashier, drive through person, store clerk, Walmart stocker person, etc. can brighten up their whole day. You NEVER know what someone is going through. They could of just gotten yelled at by a customer, they could be going through marriage struggles...anything. Hurting people are open to help. They will normally let you know by body language if they are willing to chat. That is the perfect opportunity to tell them about a man named Jesus. 

Visiting my family just a few weeks back and seeing them interact with the Steak n' Shake waitress on Wednesday nights shows how you can be a missionary in your home town. Every Wednesday night...just about every Wednesday, they go out to eat after church...they started witnessing to a waitress there, and by getting to know her and the others that work there...they form strong relationships, get to know them and their needs and offer a fantastic solution. 

Being a missionary can be difficult and daunting when you really decide to commit to it. But witnessing and bringing people to church and seeing their lives transform is the greatest reward we could get here on earth. 

You don't have to be a missionary over seas to make a difference in the world! Being a missionary in your home town is just as important to the Kingdom of God. 
