Find Your Peace in a Hectic World
Today's devotional was all about Selah...or "stop and listen"
I know in my life it's been so so so so hard for me to actually stop what I'm doing and listen to God. Even before I had my son...I worked, and I live out in the country so my drive was almost an hour one way to work. I had to wake up early, leave early and I was exhausted. I didn't think I could actually have time for my daily devotions. Looking back I now see that there was so much time I had even when I got home from work. I want to slap myself for not taking all of the opportunities I could of, just because I was "tired".
How many times in your life can you look back and say that you gave it all you got?
Can you confidently say that you did what you had to do when it came to your alone time with Jesus?
Did you embrace Selah?
Selah in the Hebrew is commonly translated to mean "stop and listen"
Living in a hectic world and in our hectic schedules, do you Selah?
Do you "stop and listen" to the voice of God?
Even though I'm a stay at home mom, which I'm grateful for, I still have issues with embracing Selah and actually stopping what I'm doing to listen to what God wants to tell me. It could be a simple scripture that I need to think about throughout my day.
Yesterday at church we had an awesome testimony service. The one that really stuck out to me was what my sister-in-law said. She was sitting on her phone on Facebook like we all do...more than we like to admit. But then she was a scripture on Facebook, and the felt a tug to go read it in her Bible. So she did...and that's exactly what she needed at the exact moment. Whatever she was or is going through, God used that distraction to bring Selah into her life so she would stop, listen and engage.
Sometimes we need God to put something in our distractions to bring us back to the peace He has given us. How can we find our peace in our hectic world?
It's simple to say...and takes determination to actually do it.
We have to stop filling our schedule to the max and leave time for God. Weather that's postponing a playdate or lunch with friends. Pushing back the time of dinner...or even making it a little earlier so you can have time with God before you go to bed.
If you have to set your alarm 1 hour or 30 mins earlier to make time for God....that will help you find your peace, because God is our peace. He's the one who gives us our peace in our hectic world. When we allow time for him, focus on him, read about Him, talk to Him...he gifts us peace in return.
I challenge you today....if you're frustrated about your hectic schedule, bills, your kids, or just life in itself. Push things aside and make time for God. When you put the most important thing (God) in your life first...He will orchestrate your whole world around peace. You'll have a new outlook on life. You won't worry about those bills or about everything you have to accomplish in your day. We all have the same 24's our choice to manage that how we want. You could have the best 24 hours of your life if you choose to put first what needs to be first.
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