Devotionals || Why & How To
In my first year of Bible College I had a class that called for us to do devotionals everyday and keep notes/our thoughts in a notebook. I loved this since I kept a journal all throughout middle/high school and digging deep into my faith was something I was also passionate about. I'm going to be honest, at first I did struggle. It was hard for me to get into the pace of a new school, new routines and new challenges that college brings...even Bible College. This class gave me a better understanding of what a devotional really is and why it is so important to do every single day.
What is a devotional?
A devotional is something that you dedicate yourself to on the daily. Weather it's faith based or not (but in this case, it is faith based!) Having something that will help lift you up and encourage you in your heartaches and struggles (yes, Lord!) is what everyone needs. It's important to get into a routine and start your day off with what will make you a better person. I explain more in depth about this here!
How to get started?

I've ranted too much about pens...getting back on my train of thought now...
After you have your need to choose how you're going to go about starting to write. I have the YouVersion Bible App, that you can get on your smart phone for FREE. Yep, free. I'm all about free. This Bible App lets you pick what devotionals you want to read. They have too many to choose from, like family, motherhood, divorce, anxiety, depression...SO much more. My favorite so far is called "Falling In Love Again with Your Lord"....the BEST one I've read. The THRIVE Moms series is also awesome for mommies!
Just start writing...

Devotionals is really all about clearing your mind and letting God speak to you. However YOU do your devotional is long as you are allowing God to use you and speak to you.

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