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4 Steps to Becoming More Encouraged

Encouragement. What does that really mean?

Im Elementary school you were probably told to encourage your class mates while they were trying to run a race, or trying to do those dreaded chin ups...(I had to do those in 3-4th grade for a test...UGH).

What happened when our classmates started cheering for us? A jolt of energy surged through our body, somehow giving us the means to complete whatever challenge we were doing.

What happens to that encouragement as we grow up and mature? Is it still evident in our lives? Are we still like little children, cheering on our peers in all matter of circumstances?

At times, no. Growing up means that the encouragement from others who aren't in our circle of friends is scarce. But what about in the church? Do we, or should be receive encouragement when we are in church? ABSOLUTELY!

It doesn't matter if someone has been in church their whole life or just a few months. Everyone needs to be encouraged and have that positivity in their life. 

What do you do when you become discouraged in your walk with God?

You've hit a dry stop. You've been reading your Bible yet you still feel as though God isn't speaking...

I get it. I've been there. It's hard. It's hard to push through sometimes. It's hard to believe that something will come from this desert.

Well, the first step to becoming more encouraged is simple.

Whatever you're doing to draw yourself closer to God. KEEP DOING IT.
You're reading your Bible everyday, making sure you focus your time on Him. You write down your thoughts and prayers. Keep doing that. That's what we need to do. We have to continue to allow God into our life every single day.

We have the power to tell God to go away. But we also have the power to say "Yes, God, I need more of you! I need more and more!"

You're probably thinking....but I do this already. I read my bible and pray...why do I need to pray harder?

 Well, let my example tell you why. There was a time in my life..really not that long ago when I went to church and I prayed. But it wasn't a shot the house down prayer, which is okay! Not all prayers need to be that way. But it wasn't heartfelt either. It was more of, I was there going through the motions.

Then, one Sunday I was SICK OF IT. I was SICK of not feeling God...I was so sick and tired and not getting anything out of church. Because of me.
I wasn't allowing myself to PUSH in prayer. (Pray. Until. Something. Happens.)

Then I decided that I didn't care what it looked like, I just needed to be touched by God. That Sunday I was given something that I didn't know I was going to get.

I became more encouraged when I pushed in my prayer.

3. Surround Your Life with Positivity.
This can be about anything in your life. Maybe you love country music...but try and listen to only Gospel music or a christian radio station for a week....and see how you feel.

I've done this many times. I've noticed that when I allow things in my life that aren't exactly Godly...I'm not who I am supposed to be. But when I cut some thing out for a while, I notice how different I become. I'm happier and I feel more alive.

It's crazy. But I still get this way even being at home with my son all day. I'll be tired of whatever is playing on the television...I'll either shut it off, or I'll turn on Pandora and listen to a gospel or christian station.

4. Surround Yourself With Encouraging People.
I can't tell you how many times I've met someone at work who was so nice, then once I got to know them all they did was complain about their life, kids, spouse, money etc.

I get it, life gets hard! And sometimes we do need to vent to get stuff off of our chest...but no one likes to be around someone who only has negative things to say!

Be the light and surround yourself with others who are that way too. Others who make you happy just being around them!
There are people like that in this world, I promise!

Surround yourself with people who truly do want to encourage you in your life and walk with God!

I forever want to be encouraged. It's no fun when we feel lonesome, or like we just don't feel like we can do anything about his desert we are in. But we can!
It takes dedication and time...but if you're willing to push through it, it won't last too long!
