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3 More Lies the devil Wants You to Believe

If you haven't already read my blog post about the 5 Lies the devil Wants You to Believe, you should check it out! This post is just a continuation...wouldn't want you to feel left out ;)

My week has been absolutely crazy. Laundry, cleaning, doctors appointments, trying to get caught up on sleep...I've slacked a little with posting every other day...or everyday, which I would love to do.
In my life, I personally have had a rough time with being motivated and encouraged with growing in God. It's not that I don't want to, but I let life get to me too quickly and easily (hopefully I'm not the ONLY one..) When we allow our life, situations, bills, bitterness to creep into our lives that's when the enemy attacks our minds and spirits even more. We are literally giving the devil a key to our emotions when we do this.
John 8:44 "...He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it consists with his character; for he is the liar and the father of lies."
What does this mean? He's the "father of lies". It's quite simple. He's a liar. That's what he does and he will do everything in his power to use lies against you to get you to stumble. He's good at what he does. But God is better. Let's jump into the 3 Lies that the devil Want YOU to Believe...but you don't have to believe them, or even acknowledge that he's there trying to get you to believe them.

1. You Are Alone in Your Struggles
I know I'm not the only one who's felt this way. You're going through a storm, a heartache and loss and it's as if no one in the whole world knows what you are going through. You feel alone. You feel abandoned and you begin to wonder if God is even there.
Let me tell you something...
He is. He's there. He's always going to be there, you just have to get out of your head, quit letting the devil tell you you're alone, and listen to God. Get your face in your Bible and trust in His Word. I might seem harsh...but we HAVE TO STOP giving the devil the key to our mind. We have the power to tell him "yeah, I don't think so...buh bye." It's that simple. (I'm chuckling a little as I'm typing this...because I've been guilty of this too...duh Jennifer, it's that simple). 
Hebrews 13:6 "So we can day with confidence, "The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?" 
The Lord is our help. He's who we can lean on in our time of loneliness. The devil is just a "mere people" in this situation. What can he REALLY do to us, if we don't allow it?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

2. God is a Liar
I feel like I busted this in #1. But I'll elaborate.
In Isaiah 14:12-13 talks about how satan was thrown down from earth for thinking in his heart that he would "ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars." Even in heaven, where he had a high position as an angel, he STILL wanted more. He still tried to deceive the angels and even God. That's what a liar does. Satisfaction doesn't come easily for them. They continually try to deceive and hurt us by their words.
I ask this question, if God were a liar, why would he give prophecies to Isaiah, Samuel, Daniel, etc. and actually have them be fulfilled?
If God were a liar, the Bible would be obsolete for one, and full of empty promises and empty meanings.
If God were a liar then his spirit would't have been pored out in the Upper Room like He said it would. There would be no healing, no miracles, no you and me. I wouldn't have gotten healed from my stomach pains (read about my healing!)
There would be nothing to trust in. Nothing to show us love, we wouldn't even know the concept of love or what's right.

3. You Don't HAVE to Worship God, Pray or Read Your Bible
There's a lot of people who think that just showing up to church on a Sunday is good enough. That's all they need and they will go to heaven. Unfortunately, that's not true. There's so much more we have to do to keep our relationship alive and stable.
If you're married or in a relationship "talking" once a week is not all you need to grow and to get to know that person. You can try it, but I don't think that it would go over very well...
We make an effort to talk to people who we love and care about and in turn our relationships thrive and bloom because of the constant interaction and love that's being put into it. 
It's the exact same thing with our relationship with God. If we don't worship Him, talk to him (pray) and get to know his character (reading our Bible) how can our relationship thrive?
All 3 of these things are essential to growing in God and growing as a person. I can't tell you how much my attitude and life has changed when I REALLY dug deep and talked to God every day. He rewards those who show true interest in Him.

Psalms 4:3 "You can be sure of this: The LORD set apart the godly for himself. The LORD will answer when I call to him."

1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meeting of God's holy people."

1 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches is to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work."

I hope I have helped you in some way, helping you recognize some of the lies that the devil has tried to tell me and get me to believe, and might try to pull on you. Remember to always read the Word of God and allow it to show you things and lead you into the path of righteousness.
