Relationship Advice _ To My Younger Self
Relationships are something that we all need to have that add support in our lives. Relationships help us become who we are and help us find ourselves. Relationships can bring us up, or tear us down.
You're probably thinking that I'm going to talk about relationships as boyfriend/girlfriend, but I'm not. Today I'm going to talk about just relationships. Friendships. There's so much I've come to realize as I've grown up, gotten married and had a baby...that I wish someone would have expressed to me in my younger years. Or slapped into me in my younger years. I was a stubborn one.
This is the advice I'm giving my younger self, if my younger self were sitting right in front of me.
This is the one thing I know I struggled with for years in middle school and starting out high school. I wanted to fit in so bad, and be popular that I acted a certain way and tried to dress a certain way so that I could "make friends". It doesn't work. Don't waste your time or energy. People will like you for you or they won't like you at all. And if these so called "friends" talk to you more when you act like a jerk, rather than when you are you, they aren't your friends. They aren't genuine people. Be nice to them, but don't waste your time trying to get into their "crowd".
Stop acting like you know it all and that you're too good for other people. You're not. You're missing the point of being a friend and making relationships. You have to lead by example and be kind first. Show compassion first. Be humble first. Be sincere first. When you're nice to everyone and not just certain people, you will become that much more likable. Say hi to everyone, especially at church camp. Those are the kids that know exactly what you're going through. Make friends with them, don't stay in your little "circle". Branch out. Don't be afraid. I promise you'll be okay.
You go to church, good for you. You're Pentecostal, good for you. But if you don't start kicking your Bible reading and prayer life into high gear, it will be harder as you get older. You're forming patterns now so make sure they are the RIGHT patterns. The patterns that will lift you up, keep your mind where it should be, not where you WANT it to be. Ask your parents for help. They are there to lift you up and love you and they know a lot more than you think! What you say reflects what's in your heart. Make sure what's in your heart is pure and Godly.
Not relationships as in having a boyfriend. But the relationships you will make with other people as you get older. It's important to understand that everyone is different and every relationship will be different. You're not going to be able to be sarcastic with everyone, or loud with everyone. You have to take time to find out what this person is like. Be kind. Be fun and authentic. Invite them over to your house for dinner or a sleepover. Don't be ashamed of where you come from.
Family relationships are important too.
Go spend time with your grandparents. Not just to try and sweet talk them to getting you an awesome Christmas preset. Talk to them. Be with them. They have so much wisdom they can depart in you, it will blow your mind. Listen to their childhood stories. What school was like for them, how life in general was for them. Don't take them for granted. They also will give you the best relationship advice you've ever heard.
God. Church. Family. Friendships.
Start that hobby you've wanted to try. Take up sewing and try and make a new shirt or skirt. Find things that are you. Do what feels like you, but still honors God and your parents. Please. Do not worry about things that are out of your control. Like, everything that doesn't have to do with your attitude or what you say or do. Your actions will speak louder than your words. Cliche, but true. Just because you're saying nice things doesn't mean how you act is reflecting that. How you act will definitely show people who you truly are and that's the biggest thing that will attract people to you.
You do matter. No matter how others treat you or how many friends you may have or whatever. You matter. God made you for a specific to specific things and to show your specific talents. Take hold of that and do great things for God's kingdom. Start now, not when you're in college. You'll regret not starting sooner. Trust me, I did.
Put God first. Not matter what. Above family, friends and all the...sometimes stupid boyfriends.
God is #1.
Don't forget it.
You're probably thinking that I'm going to talk about relationships as boyfriend/girlfriend, but I'm not. Today I'm going to talk about just relationships. Friendships. There's so much I've come to realize as I've grown up, gotten married and had a baby...that I wish someone would have expressed to me in my younger years. Or slapped into me in my younger years. I was a stubborn one.
This is the advice I'm giving my younger self, if my younger self were sitting right in front of me.
This is the one thing I know I struggled with for years in middle school and starting out high school. I wanted to fit in so bad, and be popular that I acted a certain way and tried to dress a certain way so that I could "make friends". It doesn't work. Don't waste your time or energy. People will like you for you or they won't like you at all. And if these so called "friends" talk to you more when you act like a jerk, rather than when you are you, they aren't your friends. They aren't genuine people. Be nice to them, but don't waste your time trying to get into their "crowd".
Stop acting like you know it all and that you're too good for other people. You're not. You're missing the point of being a friend and making relationships. You have to lead by example and be kind first. Show compassion first. Be humble first. Be sincere first. When you're nice to everyone and not just certain people, you will become that much more likable. Say hi to everyone, especially at church camp. Those are the kids that know exactly what you're going through. Make friends with them, don't stay in your little "circle". Branch out. Don't be afraid. I promise you'll be okay.
You go to church, good for you. You're Pentecostal, good for you. But if you don't start kicking your Bible reading and prayer life into high gear, it will be harder as you get older. You're forming patterns now so make sure they are the RIGHT patterns. The patterns that will lift you up, keep your mind where it should be, not where you WANT it to be. Ask your parents for help. They are there to lift you up and love you and they know a lot more than you think! What you say reflects what's in your heart. Make sure what's in your heart is pure and Godly.
Not relationships as in having a boyfriend. But the relationships you will make with other people as you get older. It's important to understand that everyone is different and every relationship will be different. You're not going to be able to be sarcastic with everyone, or loud with everyone. You have to take time to find out what this person is like. Be kind. Be fun and authentic. Invite them over to your house for dinner or a sleepover. Don't be ashamed of where you come from.
Family relationships are important too.
Go spend time with your grandparents. Not just to try and sweet talk them to getting you an awesome Christmas preset. Talk to them. Be with them. They have so much wisdom they can depart in you, it will blow your mind. Listen to their childhood stories. What school was like for them, how life in general was for them. Don't take them for granted. They also will give you the best relationship advice you've ever heard.
God. Church. Family. Friendships.
Start that hobby you've wanted to try. Take up sewing and try and make a new shirt or skirt. Find things that are you. Do what feels like you, but still honors God and your parents. Please. Do not worry about things that are out of your control. Like, everything that doesn't have to do with your attitude or what you say or do. Your actions will speak louder than your words. Cliche, but true. Just because you're saying nice things doesn't mean how you act is reflecting that. How you act will definitely show people who you truly are and that's the biggest thing that will attract people to you.
You do matter. No matter how others treat you or how many friends you may have or whatever. You matter. God made you for a specific to specific things and to show your specific talents. Take hold of that and do great things for God's kingdom. Start now, not when you're in college. You'll regret not starting sooner. Trust me, I did.
Put God first. Not matter what. Above family, friends and all the...sometimes stupid boyfriends.
God is #1.
Don't forget it.
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