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Where Are You Planting Your Seeds?

Do you ever feel like everything in your life seems to go wrong? The people you hang out with, the things you invest your time in, ever feel like you aren’t growing from it? That it’s not helping you in anyway? 
It happens. It’s so real and difficult because at times you don’t know where you went wrong. You don’t know what to do. You feel ashamed, hurt, lost and desperate for something new. Something that will make you feel whole and complete. 

Last night in Wednesday Night Kids Church, the teachers put on a play. It was about the parable of the shower and the seed. My husband did an amazing job coming up with the whole thing. At the beginning I was sitting on a bench crying, ashamed of how my life was turning out and I wasn’t sure of what was going on. 
-I was acting last night, but I have actually been in that place before- 
It’s scary. You think you’re trying as hard as you can to make your life worth something. 
The play was about the parable of the 4 soils... the sower and the seed...however you’ve heard it. And even though it was in Kids was still so powerful because us adults know exactly what it’s like to be in that situation. 

The parable of the 4 soils is powerful. The sower throws seed, some land on the path where the birds find it and eat it. Some seed lands on the rocks, as it starts to grow the sun gets too hot and burns it, some seed lands in soil and just as it starts to take root and grow, the thorns choke it. But finally, some seed lands on the good soil. Soil that’s been broken up and made soft. It’s been prepared for the time when the sower would finally start throwing the seeds. And when the seeds land on the good soil, they take root and grow into something amazing. 

What can we get from this simple story? 
It’s crucial to plant our seeds where it matters. It’s crucial to put our time and energy into people that will help us to grow in our faith. We have to prepare for when God is going to reward us for applying ourselves in the right ways. He will reward us by making us stronger, making us better people. But it all depends on where we invest our time. If we don’t invest our time in Godly things, and actions that will help us, we are just hurting ourselves more. We aren’t taking the initiative to make our lives better. We need to set ourselves up to succeed in Christ. 
I’ve been there. I’ve put my time in people that weren’t good examples. Mainly people who weren’t in church and I let their actions and words affect me as a Christian. I didn’t plant my seeds in the right places. So when something would start to grow it didn’t get very far because of what I was around. It choked that desire in my heart to grow in God. 

God doesn’t want you to waste your time in people and circumstances that won’t get you any closer to Him. He wants to help you reach Him. He wants to help you to grow and thrive! So just remember, if you feel that your life isn’t right...think of where you've been planting those seeds, because you really do reap what you sow. 
