You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous―how well I know it.
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!”
Psalms 139:13-14, 17 NLT
In my daily devotions this morning something struck me. It was called “A look in the mirror”. It talked about how we as a society are too strung up in appearances. Thinking too much about how others view us and how we can be like someone else, rather than focusing on how God has made us.
In Genesis the Bible says that he made us in his image. God, the spotless lamb made us, a selfish being in his image. Yes. Because at first we weren’t supposed to be full of sin. He made Adam and Eve sinless. And the things following after caused sin to come into our lives. From then on, once Eve ate of that fruit, her and Adam were both ashamed of what they were. They knew they were naked and had to cover the bodies. In the same way, sin has crippled our culture and the men and women in it. Satan has told us we need this and that to be perfect. We need the newest workout routine, or the pills to get high to forget about life’s problems. And what has that given us? Hurt. Depression. Hate. And more sin.
In The scriptures above, David is praying to God. I love David in the Bible. He was a man after God’s own heart. He was someone who makes countless mistakes, like murder and adultery. But he still knew who his creator was and who he owed his life to. Psalm is a great example of how God loves us. Countless times David messed up, and continually went to God for forgiveness. Every single time God forgave him and welcomed him with open arms.
David wasn’t praying a “woe is me” prayer. No no no, he was praying a prayer of worship. He was praising God for all he has done and how God has made him. His thoughts for us are wonderfully complex! He loves us unconditionally and he made us a marvelous masterpiece.
There’s no need to compare yourself to others. Not when there’s a God who made you in His image and is loving you for how he made you. All of the flaws we might see when we look in the mirror, that’s the perfection God has laid out. It’s wrong of us to tell God he made a mistake when we tell him we are worthless and we hate ourselves, and then make it our mission to change our appearance. I’m not talking about bettering ourselves as in working out to be healthy, or using face wash to help our skin. I’m talking about the vein, selfish acts we do to tear ourselves down. When we constantly complain about every little thing instead of worshipping God for waking us up this morning. What does that say about our heart?
I want to live each day in reverence of God. I want to be a God fearing, loving woman who knows where her eternity is. It’s time to put down the mirror, to stop focusing on everything that we see as negative. And focus on the fact that the loving God, the creator of the heavens and earth, fearfully and wonderfully made us. Let’s focus on His eternal love.
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