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We Need to Want to be Changed

We NEED to WANT to be Changed 

The title is a phrase my father in law said in one of his sermons on September 24, 2017. How do I remember the exact date? I keep a journal. From my first post I touched a little bit on starting somewhere, and that’s where I started in my walk with God. I bought a journal several years ago and started journaling in church. Then I began to journal everyday and suddenly I couldn’t wait to dig in and write down my thoughts and prayers. 

We Need To Want to be Changed. 
At first it didn’t make sense to me. Just how he worded it I couldn’t grasp. But then as he continued to talk and as God continued to move through him I got it. 
We need to have a desire in our hearts to want to be changed.  
In my blog post yesterday I talked about having motivation to start something that will change you. This post will be similar but now I’m going to get into the why of it all. Needing change is different than wanting change. When you need something doesn’t necessarily mean you want it. You may need to take medicine to help with “fill in the blank” but that doesn’t mean to you want to take it. I may need to eat more vegetables but that doesn’t mean I want to. And it definitely doesn’t mean I’m going to. 

So why do we need to have a want for change? Simple. If you don’t want it you won’t change it. If you don’t want to read your Bible, you won’t. If you don’t want to pray, you won’t. Getting deeper into this topic...It’s not about wanting it just because you know you need it. It’s about thinking of what you will gain from changing your mind set. In religion a lot of people back off and don’t want to go to church because they think about all of the things they will have to give up. But what if we begin to think on what we will gain rather than lose. 

When we decide to follow Jesus we will gain more understanding of His love. When we decide to read our bible more we gain knowledge of the instructions for our life. When we begin to pray more we gain a relationship with Our God. When you meet a new friend and begin to form a relationship with that person do you think about all of the time you’re giving up watching television or how much time you’re missing being on social media? Probably not. You’re more concerned about how you can interact with this person to learn more about them. To find out their interests and what they don’t like. You want to make time for them to let them know you care about them. Why don’t we do that for God? I’m not pointing any fingers because I’m guilty of this too. Jesus is the best friend we will ever have. There’s nothing we can do that will make Him love us less. He will always be ready to talk to us. Jesus doesn’t take vacations or tap out of reality because he’s fed up with society. No. He’s there. All the time. He wants you to make a change in your life and come to Him. Create that relationship with Him where you talk to Him daily and get to know Him by reading His word. 

There is so much I still have to learn about my God. At times I still can’t believe that he would still love me after how I’ve acted toward certain people and family, even to Him. We’re all guilty of that. But the awesome thing about Jesus is that as we begin to grow in Him, he reveals more to us. Letting us grow deeper and deeper. There’s no final level with God. There’s no game over either. He will always be there to help you back up. To be your foundation in the crazy storm you’re in right now. He wants to be that change you desperately seek. When you feel there’s nothing left in life to live for, talk to Him. Reach out to Him. He will be there to lift you up and to protect you. He WILL be the CHANGE you want. 

We all have to start somewhere. There’s nothing you can do that’s too little for God that he won’t notice. Remember that. He’s there and always will be. Make the change today. 
